
Legal Nurse Consultants USA LLC

How Legal Nurse Consultants USA LLC had to hire 15 more staff to handle their lead-driven growth


During our first 8 months with Lead Cookie, we ended up closing 4 new customers. These were great customers for us and one of them was a game-changer for the business. We had to staff up an additional 15 team members to serve the customers that Lead Cookie helped us bring in.

Georgina Bell, the founder and head consultant of Legal Nurse Consultants USA LLC, a consultancy that provides medical expertise to attorneys using their team of 55+ nurses, came to Lead Cookie looking to connect with attorneys and law firms in order to get more customers.


Qualified Leads


New staff hires


New customers


Connection rate


The Challenge

As the founder and head consultant, overseeing the overall management of the business, sales and marketing, and allocating cases between her team, Georgina knew she needed to bring in new customers but had little time to do it. Like many business owners, she found herself wearing far too many hats.

Looking for a service that could help her generate qualified leads, freeing her up to focus on closing deals, Georgina came across Lead Cookie.


The Approach

We knew that we needed to get targeted and our messaging had to stand out. Our account strategy team put together a highly-targeted outreach list and powerful messaging to reach decision makers at her ideal accounts.

“The key to effective outbound is running consistent outreach to your target market while continuously optimizing to ensure relevancy. When you bring together targeting, messaging, and timing, you get results.”

— Rick Williams | Lead Account Strategist


The Solution

With our established reputation and history of delivering results, Georgina decided we offered the ideal solution to bring more qualified leads to Legal Nurse Consultants USA LLC.

Our ability to be flexible in our targeting and to accommodate one-off lists of target firms she wanted to reach, made Lead Cookie the ideal partner.

After working through her local market, our team at Lead Cookie helped Georgina expand through her industry using a more generalized approach.

Legal Nurse Consultants USA LLC

Legal Nurse Consultants USA LLC works to educate attorneys about the medical aspects of their cases.

Industry: Legal Consulting
Location:  United States
Focus: Attorneys